F1 Tahfiti BST
F1 Tahfiti Is a Very special girl. She is the first born F1 here at IwannaSavannah. King Kyro is her daddy & F6 Jazmin is her Mom. She is the sweetest kitty just like both her parents. She truly is a lap cat. She’ll let you carry her around and sit on your lap for hrs. She also acts like a puppy and licks your face till it hurts! We are so in love with her.
F1 Shiva BST
Shiva is my beauty queen. This girl resembles the Serval in so many ways. Her color is beautiful Gold with black spots and the coveted black nose. She is a sweet girl. I can’t wait to see her babies when she has them. They are sure to be beautiful and sweet like her.
F1 Myah BST
F1 queen
F1 Myah is such a JOY. She is a VERY BIG girl and very close in resemblance to her father the Serval. She is a beautiful, long and tall girl. Huge ears and long neck. The BEST thing about her beyond her beautiful looks is her personality. She is nothing but LOVE. She gives constant head butts and purrs and rubs on you. She loves to be held. Her personality if far from normal from f1s. She is a true lap cat in large form lol. To top her off, her kittens are just as sweet as her and are incredibly beautiful.
F1 Mistek BST
Mistek is sleek. Her light butter gold coat makes for high contrast with her perfect ink black spots. She is long and lean with a thick nose, perfect ears and eye shape. This girl has it going on! She is very friendly with a shy side. She observes before she acts. She loves to play fetch and is obsessed with the lazer pointer. She makes such beautiful babies too.
F1 Zarina BST
Zarina is my Exotic girl. I imported her from Russia to get different bloodlines here in the USA. This girl is super loving and has such a wonderful head shape and nice tall ears with super cool black ear tuffs. The best part of her is her personality. She’s such a loving girl. Can’t wait to see her babies
F1 Zanzi BST
F3c Zambia BST
Zambia is another exotic kitty. I imported her from Canada to make f1. While she is over the top a lover to people she is a bit of a diva when it comes to the boys. Hoping she falls in love with Kyro but if not, she’ll sure to make beautiful f4sbt kittens. She loves to be held and is just so sweet. Can’t wait to see what she does.
F6sbt Sparkle ✨ SST
Sparkle is a home bred kitty, produced here at Iwanna Savannah. I held her back with the intent to breed for f1 silver savannahs. So far her and Kyro are great friends and love each other but he has yet to do the deed… Still waiting. Hoping soon. As she is a big beautiful girl and will sure to make killer gorgeous kittens.
F5 Elektra (Fat Amy) BST
Elekra is a special girl. She is so fat and chill and is always lounging in hilarious positions. She just holds the pose and just stares at you. She is soooo funny. With her being a bigger girl she usually gives me big babies. She is one of Kyro’s girlfriends and the mother to many of my f1. She is an excellent mother and a super easy cat to care for. No drama and all purrs.
F6sbt Krissy BST
F5sbt Aspen SST
Aspen is one flashy girl! She is home bred here at Iwanna Savannah. I held her back to make silver f1 but so far Kyro and her are in the friend zone :(. This girl has it all. Wild look, big bold black spots, great face , nice ears, tall legs and piercing eyes. Can you imagine silver f1 from her!?! I so pray it happens. So much of f1 breeding is luck.
King Kyro African Serval
Kyro is my dream come true in every way. Not only is he super handsome but his personality trumps all else. He is the sweetest boy ever! He loves on total strangers and has no idea he is a serval. He is a very patient boy too. When I feed him, I tell him to “sit”, which he does and then slowly and gently will take his food from my hand and walk away proudly. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect serval. His babies get his slobbery sweet personality too.
F6sbt Zeus BST
Mr. Zeus is all that and then some! I can’t say enough about this magnificent man. Not only is he is totally flashy with his bright golden coat and large black spots and big beefy body, but the personality on this boy is unmatched. He demands hugs and to be held and sit on your shoulder. He purrs nonstop and is just a hunk of love.
F6sbt Skywalker SST
SBT Rafiki
Rafkik is the man. This boy has great breeding skills and knows how to work with the big girls. He doesn’t mess around. lol He has massive bold spots and nice ears and face. He throws really dark and extremely warm colored kittens. We are happy to have this handsome boy.